David Ellis

David Ellis

VP of Engineering and Product Development

David Ellis, VP of Engineering and Product Development of Dunamis Charge, is a trained Certified Energy Manager and has served on the Board of Directors of The Heat and Warmth Fund, an independent non-profit (501)(c)(3) agency that provides low-income individuals and families in Michigan with emergency energy assistance, due to his interest in making provisions for an economic and sustainable safety net for at-risk energy consumers.

Mr. Ellis brings more than 40 years of experience in the energy sector in his various positions at AESG and DTE (a Fortune 500 utility company) and has expertise in utility generation, electrical transmission and distribution systems, engineering management, training development, and regulatory compliance. He has provided integrated energy solutions such as microgrid, utility-scale solar, and transmission and distribution systems throughout the United States and internationally for Ghana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Bermuda.